Update: Due to Covid-19, we will not be hosting orphans to America this summer. However, you can still help by supporting our ongoing daily work with orphans in Moldova and Ukraine. If you are interested in hosting in the future, fill out a pre-registration form below and let’s get started!
Hosting orphans will change your life.
Hosting orphans in your home for 4-6 weeks will be one of the greatest opportunties you and your family will ever have together. The impact and influence that your family can have on an orphan child or teenager will be huge. Few times, if ever, have orphaned children sat inside of someone’s home and had a dinner or watched television, or played a game. Staying with a loving family for a summer is the greatest experience in an orphan’s life and you can make it happen.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35

We invite families to host orphans in their homes for 4-6 weeks during the summer. The orphans range from 6-16 years of age and are from the nations of Moldova and Ukraine.
1. Apply
Complete the preliminary interests form below to get things started. We will then be in touch with you to set up an interview about your being a host family and to have you complete our full application for approval. A background check will be required to be a host family through Roads of Hope.
2. Select
We will provide you with a list of children along with their stories and interests for you to select from.
3. Prepare
Work closely with Roads of Hope team to prepare for the arrival and stay of your hosted child.

Hosting Q & A
What is Family Hosting?
We help Ukrainian and Moldovan orphans find loving families in the United States who will host them in their home for 4-6 weeks. It is in this environment that the child experiences home and family life possibly for the first time. The benefits for the child are innumerable. The child learns English, experiences a different culture, broadens his or her worldview, learns how a family operates, meets caring people, and feels part of an actual family.
What is Summer Camp Hosting?
Similar to family hosting except we have 6-10 children stay at our summer camp located in Mobile, Alabama. The group travels to surrounding states to see sites, visit churches, and simply to have an amazing experience. Lots of businesses and individuals assists with donations of fun activities, clothes, meals, and more. Many volunteers help as well.
How does family hosting work?
Host families select the orphan they would like to host through our private photo listing which provides a recent photo and brief biography of several eligible children. Host families agree to accommodate the child(ren) and to donate the child’s travel costs and expenses. By being in your home, the child(ren) will get a first hand glimpse of what healthy relationships can be! Many of these children have never had a positive family experience or been exposed to genuine love. Words cannot adequately describe how you and your family’s influence, sacrifice, and love will impact the child(ren) forever.
Why is hosting an orphan so important?
Why private hosting?
Roads of Hope decided to start hosting orphans because we continue to see the desperate desire that so many orphans have for a loving family. As we have ventured deeper and researched more into the lives of orphans in Moldova and Ukraine, we discovered that only 10-12% of ALL orphans in these two countries have a decent job, home or life after graduating from the orphan system. The other 88-90% turn to crime, become victims of trafficking or commit suicide. It is because of these horrifying statistics and our love for orphans that we are driven to find loving homes with which the children can connect. We know from experience that orphans significantly benefit when given an opportunity to be in a loving home.
Do I qualify?
We look for families who possess the following attributes: 1) Be of the Christian faith, 2) Be willing to open their home for 4-6 weeks, and 3) Be able to provide love and care for a child in a safe, family environment. We want the children to experience a family and to personally see healthy relationships between spouses and between parents and children. To host an orphaned child from the other side of the planet who needs you will be one of the greatest honors and blessings of your life. If you have questions or concerns, contact us.
What are the steps?
First, click on the box above to register that you are interested in hosting. Then we will provide you with access to a photo listing of the orphans eligible to host. After praying and deciding to host, you will need to complete our application and background check. There is a $100 fee required to submit this application. A criminal background check costs approximately $35 and is payable to and processed by a partnering company. Once your application has been received we will send a request for a deposit on your child. You will need to make a $750 deposit within 48 hours to move your child from hold to hosted.
At this time, our team will begin the legal process for the child to come to America. We help the child(ren) get their national passport, American visa, and the many other documents needed for the child to come see you! It is a meticulously detailed, but incredibly exciting process that occurs, and we are blessed to have some of the best people in the world who specialize in hosting working for us! During this process, we communicate with you and try to be available to answer any questions that you may have. Prior to the child(ren) coming, we will provide you with an online training and hosting manual so that you will be best prepared. Once we know the arrival date and time of the children, we will instruct you about where to meet us as you will personally pick up the child at the arrival airport.
How do we communicate with the children if they do not speak English?
There are several online translation sites that can help immensely. You can use these sites to converse with the child if needed. Charades is something that you and your family will also use a lot! While frustrating at times, the language barrier can actually be fun, entertaining, and actually very helpful to the child. As an added help, Roads of Hope has a team of translators who stand ready to help 24 hours a day via telephone.
How do we get started?
To get started, simply fill out the request for information listed above. Once we receive and give preliminary approval to your request, you will be provided a photo listing of the children eligible for hosting. (For privacy and child protection purposes, we do not share the child’s personal information and photos publicly.) If you have questions or need more information, please contact us.
How much does it cost to host a child?
As a host, you agree to make a donation that covers all expenses associated with bringing the child to America to be hosted. Hosting a child costs between $2,500 – $3,200 depending on the season of the year and length of time the child(ren) are being hosted in your home. This donation covers acquiring the child a passport, visa, health insurance, airfare, ground transportation, Moldovan or Ukrainian legal documents, translators, trainings, and overall administrative costs. Cost incurred while the child is in your home is covered by you as a host. Expenses contributed to Roads of Hope to cover hosting fees of your child(ren) are considered a tax-deductable donation.
Is financial assistance available to help with hosting?
Are the costs associated with hosting tax-deductible?
I cannot host a child but can I financially support a child to be hosted?
Every orphan deserves a life free from the threat of being trafficked. For $10 per month
or more you can pave the way for orphans to be rescued, brought to safety and provided a happier life.
Members of THE ROAD CREW consists of everyday people who want to do their part to combat orphan trafficking.
Orphans need your help now
You can pave the way by giving $10 or more every month. You will not only rescue orphans, you will also walk with them toward a better life.
About ROH
Roads of Hope is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law ©2020 Roads of Hope | All right reserved
Roads of Hope is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. ©2020 Roads of Hope | All right reserved
About ROH
Roads of Hope
P.O. Box 3040
Pensacola, FL 32516

Orphans need your help now
You can pave the way by giving $10 or more every month.
You will not only rescue orphans, you will also walk with
them toward a better life.